Grasp Development

When working with a child who has an immature grasp pattern, we need to recognize where they are in the developmental progression of grasp development. Then we are able to work efficiently towards a more refined and age appropriate grasp pattern to support fine motor skills. 

Palmar Supinate/Fisted Grasp

Whole hand around the writing utensil 

Movement from the shoulder 

Large scribbles, no precision 1-2 years old

Digital Pronate Grasp 

All fingers holding the writing utensil 

Wrist is turned palm down 

Index finger may be pointing out 

Movement from the elbow 

Little precision 

2-3 years old 

Static Tripod or Quadrupod Grasp 

Tripod: three finger grasp with the thumb, index, and middle finger 

Quadrupod: four finger grasp with the thumb, index, middle, and ring finger Movement from the wrist 

Increased precision 

4 - 5 years old 

Dynamic Tripod Grasp 

Three finger grasp with the thumb, index, and middle finger 

Movement from the fingers 

Open webspace 

Most precision 

6-7 years old 


Jan - March Newsletter 2022


Christmas Occupational Therapy Activities To Do At Home